Anyone who's traveled overseas knows that jetlag is miserable. After being up for 24-30+ hours without any quality sleep, then dealing with the adrenaline and excitement/ stress of being in a new country, you tend to get a little . . . loopy at times. I've been to Europe 6 times now and have learned some valuable lessons on what NOT to do again. So take my advice and steer clear of these few tips if you can avoid them.
1. Don't plan to see any type of theater show where the lights are going to be dimmed on the first night of your trip. Even though you may feel awake and wired, when those lights go down and you sit still you'll nod off without even realizing it. And you miss out on parts of the show and in retrospect will have little memory of it. -
Learned that tip in Prague.
2. Don't take two red eye flights in a row. I know it's often the cheapest option but it's not worth it on your body. Splurge for the extra price and a good night's rest. Or just plan to be extra miserable.
- Trip to Paris. In my defense, it was my first trip overseas and I didn't know any better.
3. Don't lose track of your footwear on the plane rider over. It's a bit stressful and embarrassing to ask the people around you to search for your shoes. -
My most recent trip to Italy.
4. Don't plan to drive for four hours on the other side of the road as soon as you arrive. It's disorienting enough with a clear head and a good night's rest. -
Yup; picked that useful tidbit up in Ireland.
5. Don't sprint through airports to catch your connection. While it's not always avoidable, it's not fun to do especially when jetlagged. Tripping is kind of inevitable (especially when running in flip flops) not to mention the people watching you run past. -
Happened on a connection through Germany.
6. Don't travel with a Dudley/ Debbie Downer. Everyone's ornery when they're tired, but especially when THAT tires. It's hard to refrain from screaming, ditching, smacking, hating, etc., your travel companion when they complain about everything. -
Trip to England. He barely survived and I developed a twitch.
7. Don't arrive and go straight to sleep. You'll never get over the jetlag if you do that. Stick with their time zone and force yourself to stay awake until its bed time at your destination. You'll thank me for that. -
Luckily I was given this tip so I never experienced what happens when you ignore it. I don't want to know.