The Fairy Pools in Scotland was a random item I happened to come across when looking for sights to see in Scotland. The location was a bit out of the way from where I was going to be, but I decided it would be worth the trek.
The most tragic part of this story is that I didn't have enough time to hike the entire thing. I'm still kicking myself for it. I use that as justification as to why I have to get back there again some day.

Needless to say, plan to get there in the morning and spend the bulk of the day hiking along the trail. The drive to get here however, is a bit tricky. You definitely need some detailed directions, as this is truly out in the middle of nowhere. Of course, that's why it's so beautiful.
I didn't find the path to be difficult, but there were parts where getting across the stream involved jumping from rock to rock. In wet, drizzly weather, this would certainly be a slippery, muddy, treacherous walk. But the actual hiking part was not too challenging.
There is a camp site not far from here either, though camping in Scotland would be very cold and wet. Still beautiful though.
All along the trail of this stream are pools, and mini waterfalls. I saw many people swimming and eating lunch at a semi calm watering spot throughout my walk. The water had to be ice cold and freezing. Most people doing any swimming were in wet suits. Too cold for me. But the view was pretty spectacular.

Funnily enough, the landscape alone made me feel like I was in Middle Earth. Reason enough right there to make this drive.

The Fairy Pools are located in the south part of the Isle of Skye, in the Glen Brittle. The glen runs south to north, along the River Brittle. It's overlooked by the largest mountains on Sky, the Cuillin. The stream of waterfalls that runs down the mountain is what is known to be the fairy pools.
Can you see why I'm anxious to get back?