But I do it. A lot. Can anyone else relate to this situation?
The reason? I like how I feel when it's over. Funnily enough, the only reason I started running was because someone told me I was incapable of ever running a marathon. With my very stubborn nature that comment didn't bode well at all. So I spent 9 months training for a marathon just to prove them wrong. I'd never run beyond a mile before. No 5k, no 10k, not even a half marathon. Yet my first running event was going to be the full 26.2 mile distance. If you're going to do something you might as well go big, right?
So in 2006 I ran the Moab marathon in southern Utah. It took me 5+ hours, I waddled like a duck for a week afterward because every muscle in my body ached in places I didn't know existed, but I finished.
And I felt like I could conquer the world. Then I swore I'd never do one again. Eight months later I was coerced into doing a half marathon. Afterwards my running shoes were hung up permanently. Or so I thought.
Fast forward 5 years and I was starting to do some fun runs - 5k, and occasional 10k runs just to keep in shape, but also for the t-shirt. I'm all about the t-shirt. A few personal trials and upheavals later I needed to do something big - something epic and loud that would give me an invincible revitalization.
Every person needs to feel that innate inner power.

I happened to see some advertisement about the London marathon. Huh. That could be really cool - running through the streets of London. I did more research and discovered there were marathons all over the world. Oooo, that could be the epic adventure I was looking for. Why not run a marathon in an amazing location overseas? Who does that, and what a great story to have?!
I spent 9 months training, wondering how on earth I ever did this before and why was I putting myself through that torture all over again. But I kept trucking along and in March of 2014 I ran the Rome marathon.

So now my weird obsession has begun. I've decided that I need to run 5 international marathons. Why 5? I have no idea. It just seemed like a good number. Heaven forbid I travel just to travel these days. Now I need to tack on a marathon. But then again, why not? It just adds to the adventure - and my insanity.
My future overseas marathon plans are as follows:
Scotland Loch Ness Marathon - because it's Loch Ness
Athens Greece Marathon - because it's Athens Greece
London Marathon - this is definitely a wild card as it's a lotto system to get into.
I'm in need of a 5th, and alternate London location. Any suggestions?
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