Next on the drive through the English countryside was a quick stop at Newstead Abbey. This is just outside Nottingham. As the GPS led us through a lot of back roads, it did eventually lead us right to the Abbey. The rain conveniently stopped as well just as we arrived.

It was still cold, and very chilly, but we were grateful for the relief from the rain. Sadly, the actual Abbey was not open for tours. They were waiting for the school holiday to let out before opening it to the public. It would seem they only want to open it when the profit is high. I can understand that, but it's still a bit disappointing. We went inside for a peek at the gift shop and saw a little of the Abbey. The inside looked quite beautiful, so I'm really sad we weren't there at the right time.


So many options, and easily hours to spend in this quiet little spot.
We didn't stay long, just wandered through the chilly area enjoying the lack of people. We then stopped at their little café for lunch before moving along to our next stop.

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