I have wanted to go on an African Safari for a long time now. I have planned it a few times - to go for a milestone year in my life. Sadly it just hasn't seemed to work out yet because of finances. But it's still a giant item to check off on my bucket list.

As I've mentioned this big dream of mine to people, many have had the same response for me.
And it really ticks me off.
"Just go to the zoo. The animals are all there and you'll save yourself a lot of money."
I'm not riding an elephant at the zoo. It's NOT the same thing. Just like seeing these animals in the zoo is NOT the same thing as seeing them in the wild. Riding in a windowless jeep through the plains while watching these animals grazing and running all around you doesn't compare to seeing them cramped in cages. Are you really going to tell me that's the same thing? If so, you're an idiot in my book and we can't be friends.

Running through this wild animal reserve.

In the end you just have to run faster than the person behind you. Survival of the fittest.
I know it's kind of a sick, weird, insane type of extreme event that has a ridiculous appeal to me, but I'm sure I'm not alone. The idea of running with (not from) these exotic animals in their natural African setting sounds kind of amazing.
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