Any girl (or guy) who has seen Pride and Prejudice with Colin Firth knows exactly what I mean when I say "the Pemberly moment." This is that moment when Elizabeth Bennett is traveling with her Aunt and Uncle to visit the magnificent estate while Mr. Darcy is away. The carriage is creeping closer and closer to this rich man's lifestyle when at last they trot through a clump of trees and there it is - the most perfect mansion sitting on a beautiful grassy hill overlooking a lake. Elizabeth Bennett has to catch her breath at the sight of it while the rest of us swoon in envy at this fictional character.
Sigh. If only. Am I right?
I admit to being a complete Jane Austen nerd. But really, any type of sappy romantic literature from the Regency area sucks me in.

While visiting Caserta Palace in southern Italy and touring the grounds I noticed quite a few horse drawn carriages offering rides along the estate. I let out a sigh and continued walking by as I made the trek through the grounds not thinking much more about it.
I confess again I got a little wistful watching others take advantage of the carriage. My tour guide (aka sister in law) noticed my watching and mentioned that they had done it a few months earlier. She claimed it was great and she had a grin that just wouldn't go away as she wallowed in that Jane Austen moment.
I grinned like a fool the entire time and I'm not ashamed. People documented me in the carriage as I was too busy wallowing in my Jane Austen/ Regency era experience.
After tramping through some side paths our driver led us back towards the main area. And then it happened - the Pemberly moment. We trotted through the shaded trees into the sun, and there appeared the amazing palace coming into view. All that was missing was the lake.
And Colin Firth of course.
Best. Decision. Ever.
And now I'm completely tainted for life. Would you have done it?
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