Thursday, October 17, 2019

Hiking in Rimouski

Rimouski is a pretty small town with not much around it. It's not exactly a tourist destination, so finding things to do around there that involve your typical type of sightseeing wasn't really an option. There aren't art museums, or big European style events. So we looked at other options that I don't often get to take advantage of while traveling. Hiking. I love being out in nature and hiking. It's not something I get to do often in Texas because the heat is unbearable for me 9 months out of the year, and it's flat and full of mosquitos. I wanted to take advantage of seeing some new and beautiful places in a country that had perfectly cool hiking weather. And it wasn't flat.

Because this trip was my dad and I , and I was going to be running a full marathon, we had to be careful in how much strenuous activity we did. I didn't want to wear out my muscles before I destroyed them in a marathon. But we found some beautiful hiking spots to enjoy. The weather was absolutely perfect, the trails were so well maintained, and I definitely want to go back to Canada and do only hiking trails. So many gorgeous places! So I will just let the pictures do the talking of the fantastic scenery we enjoyed the day before my race.




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